PR Resources about Thomas Limoncelli
Headshot of Thomas Limoncelli
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Photo taken 2021-03-05
- Not a professional photo, but I like it.
Photo taken 2015-01-05
Photo taken 2013-07-19, 40.7089577,-74.039993
Cartoon headshot of Thomas Limoncelli
Thanks to I can also appear as:
Short Biography of Thomas Limoncelli
For Usenix events:
Tom an internationally recognized author, speaker, system
administrator, and DevOps advocate. He manages the SRE teams at Stack
Overflow, Inc, and previously worked at small and large companies
including Google, Bell Labs/Lucent, and AT&T. His books include Time
Management for System Administrators (O'Reilly), The Practice of
System and Network Administration (3rd edition) and The Practice of
Cloud System Administration. In 2005 he received the Usenix SAGE
Outstanding Achievement Award.
For technology-related events:
Tom manages the SRE team at Stack Overflow
( in New York City.
He is an internationally recognized author, speaker, system
administrator and DevOps advocate. His latest book, the 3rd
edition of
The Practice of System and Network Administration (, launched
in 2016. He is also known for
The Practice of Cloud System Administration
Time Management for System Administrators (O'Reilly).
In 2005 he received the Usenix LISA Outstanding Achievement Award.
Previously he's worked
Google, Bell Labs / Lucent, AT&T and others. His blog
is and he tweets @YesThatTom.
For activism-related events:
Tom Limoncelli is a organizer, trainer and speaker from New
Jersey. He co-created BiZone/NJ (support group in NJ, 1991-2002)
and co-created the Tri-State Bi Conference. His speaking and
training repertoire includes time management, leveraging the web
for your organization, and facilitating support groups. His activism
has earned him 3 awards, including the Brenda Howard Award and the
NJLGC "Honor" lifetime achievement award. Outside of activism he
is a published author (5 books). He is a regular speaker at
conferences around the world. Tom lives in New Jersey.
Tom Limoncelli is LGBTQ organizer, trainer and speaker from New Jersey. His speaking and training repertoire includes time management for activists and support group facilitation skills. He is the recipient of several activism awards including the Brenda Howard Award for bisexual activism.
Books by Thomas A. Limoncelli
My 5 books:
Need a high-res version of these bookcovers? Click on the small bookcover below!
- July 15, 2007
- Title: The Practice of System and Network Administration, Second Edition
- Nickname: TPOSANA-ed2 or "Vol 1"
- Author(s): Thomas A. Limoncelli, Christina J. Hogan, Strata R. Chalup
- Published: 2007, Addison-Wesley
- Amazon
- Hi-res version of cover:
- Trivia: Added a new co-author Strata Chalup, Chris now goes as "Christina".
- September 12, 2014
- Title: The Practice of Cloud System Administration, Vol 2
- Nickname: TPOCSA or "Vol2"
- Author(s): Thomas A. Limoncelli, Strata R. Chalup, Christina J. Hogan
- Published: 2014, Pearson
- Amazon
- Hi-res version of cover:
- Trivia: All new material. Addresses service administration: SRE and DevOps.
Older headshot of Thomas Limoncelli
Photo credit Arthur Hyun. Taken 2010-10-11, 37.0625,-95.677068
- Face Small: 350 x 421 / 36 KB (35,861 bytes)
- Face Medium: 600 x 721 pixels / 91 KB (91,477 bytes)
- Face Hires: 2094 x 2518 pixels / 1.2 MB (1,194,273 bytes)
- Portrait Hires: 2736 x 3648 pixels / 5.1 MB (5,114,569 bytes)
- Portrait unmodified 3648 x 736 pixels / 2.7 MB (2,711,852 bytes)
- If you plan on resizing it, please use "Face Hires".
- The "unmodified" version should be used if you plan on using in print media and have the tools to rotate, resize and crop.